The Temporary Long Term Visa, or VLS-T

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The VLS-T “Etudiant” (“Student” Temporary Long Term Visa) is used to study in France, and lasts four to twelve months. It cannot be renewed.

What does a VLS-T “étudiant” allow you to do?

The “Student” Temporary Long Term Visa (VLS-T “étudiant” in French), will allow you to:

  • Stay in France for four to twelve months to attend higher education courses;
  • Travel freely in countries included in the Schengen Area;
  • Benefit from the French social security (after having registered in a higher education institution) during your stay and benefit from a part reimbursement of your health expense.

Benefits of the VLS-T

You don’t need to validate your VLS-T in a “préfecture” at your arrival. There is no process to follow during your visa validity period.

What a VLS-T doesn't allow you to do

Contrarily to a visa long séjour valant titre de séjour (VLS-TS), for Long Term Visa used as Residence Permit) with “étudiant” label, the VLS-T doesn't allow you to:

  • Work during your studies,
  • Benefit from VISALE, the free rental deposit service for students,
  • Receive housing subsidy with the CAF,
  • Extend your stay beyond the validity of issued residence permits.


How to receive a VLS-T “étudiant”?

If you live in one of the 42 countries (Kuwait) subject to the "Etudes en France" ("Studies in France") procedure and you need a visa to come study in France,  you must first apply to enrol in a higher education institution through the "Etudes en France" platform.Your visa application will be automatically sent to the French consular authorities of your home country through the platform. If you already have a registration certificate obtained outside the ''Etudes en France'' platform or if you are travelling to France for a university exchange program between your current institution and its French partner, you must do the pre-consular procedure through the ''Etudes en France'' platform (refer to the ''Pre-consular procedure'' sheet).


If you don’t live in one of these countries, and you need a visa to come to study in France, contact the French consular authorities in your country of residence.

How to know if you need a visa to come to study in France and how to get the list of supporting documents to provide?

Complete the simulation with the visa assistant on the France Visas website. Depending on your country of residence and your project, you will know in a few minutes what to do to apply for a visa and get the list of supporting documents to provide.

What countries are included in the Study in France process?

Check out our FAQ, and the list of countries included.


Can I renew my VLS-T “Etudiant”?

No, the VLS-T cannot be renewed. Once it expires, you must leave France.